Tasty Thanksgiving Sides to Boost your Celebrations

Tasty Thanksgiving Sides

The marathon Thanksgiving cooking can make you tired. Here are some easy and tasty Thanksgiving sides which will boost your celebration mood.

Mashed potato is nothing new. How about preparing Rutabaga Mashed Potato! Boil sliced potatoes and rutabaga in salt water for 30 minutes. Mash the vegetables with some melted butter. Heat lemon zest and scallions in a skillet and once fragrant, add parsley and breadcrumbs. Top the mashed vegetables with the breadcrumbs. Scallion slices can be used to garnish.

Mini Trifle Salad is ideal as a dessert. Cook Acini de Pepe Pasta according to the directions provided in the packet. Combine pineapple juice, milk, sugar and pudding mix together to prepare sauce. Add this sauce to the pasta along with canned oranges, marshmallows and coconut. Refrigerate for few hours before serving.

For a healthier option, Chestnut Brussels Sprout Salad is a quick and easy take. This fresh salad is an autumnal classic!